Sema 23’

The very first time at SEMA is hectic! If didn’t research where your favorite builds are going to be or didn’t schedule the day, you're going to be in for a treat. Also, bring your Apple Watches or whatever you use to count your steps because that instrument is going to love you.

SEMA is massive, and that's keeping it short. Crowds of car enthusiasts and journalists edging over each other to witness the next reveal. Here (SEMA) is where you see the newest tech and advancements in the automotive industry. Here sort of sets the stage of the coming year for us car enthusiasts. Plus! you might get to see your favorite YouTubers just acting their normal selves amongst the crowds and if they happen to have a build or two there, you finally get to see it in person.

Here’s a few shots provided by Giovanni Gonzalez from Stance Bodega. I was going to do a nice write up but, the kids won’t let me. so here it is.